
How do you join Spring Hill Church of Christ:

We strive to be the church as described in Scripture. 

We are a non-denominational church identified with other churches throughout the world that are part of the Restoration Movement.

SHCC exists to:

+ Connect people to Jesus & His Church

+ Help people to grow in faith and love 

+ Express that faith and love through action: by serving God and others in the church and community. 


If you would like to be a part of what God is doing here, our membership is that of the New Testament Church:

  • Faith in Jesus (Mark 16:16; Ephesians 2:8). To surrender oneself to Jesus – believing He is the Son of God. That He died for our sin and conquered death.
  • Repent (Acts 17:30, Luke 13:3, 5). To change one’s mind and live for God. To turn from sin to righteousness. To go from living a self-centered (selfie) life to a Christ-centered life.
  • Confess Christ (Matt. 10: 32, 33). Letting others know you are a believer.
  • Be Baptized into Christ (Acts 2:38). To be baptized is to identify yourself with the death, burial and resurrection of Jesus. We practice the form in which Jesus was baptized: immersion.
  • Live for Christ (I Cor. 15:58, Acts 2: 42). We don’t serve to be saved; we serve because we’re saved! The new life we have in Christ is meant to be shared and overflow into the lives of those around us. 

The Invitation:

At the close of each service, we sing what is commonly called an “invitation hymn.” Those who wish to identify themselves with this congregation are asked to come forward. There you will be greeted by our minister. You will not be embarrassed in any way and you will not be asked to say anything except to repeat a few simple words affirming your belief in Jesus. If you are already an immersed believer in Christ, the minister will, on behalf of the whole congregation, welcome you as a member of the Spring Hill Church of Christ.

Your Baptism:

If you have not been baptized, someone will be ready to escort you to a changing room, and assist you in preparing for your baptism. Clothing is supplied for your baptism. No previous notice is necessary. We will schedule your baptism at any time you desire.


If you have any questions, our ministers and/or Elders are always ready to help you. Please speak to us following the service or call us at (513) 423-8240. Wherever you are in your spiritual journey, we want to help you.

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