Steve Reeves- Senior Minister
Steve Reeves is our Senior Minister at Spring Hill. He is a very talented and gifted preacher who is no stranger to our congregation. Prior to becoming our Senior Minister, Steve served as our Youth Minister for eleven years. Many of our young adults were trained by Steve when they were kids. You will be inspired and uplifted by the excellent sermon messages that Steve brings to our church. Steve has served as a professor of Church History at Cincinnati Christian University for a number of years and is currently serving as Chairman of the Board of Directors for Celtic Christian Mission.
Bob Stacy- Minister to the Seniors
Bob Stacy is a native of Tonawanda, New York who has served God in full-time ministry for over sixty years. He is currently in his seventeenth year at Spring Hill and he serves as the minister to our seniors. Bob is the founder of CHRIST IN YOUTH which was organized in 1968 and he has served as both a Bible College professor and president in the past.
Bob is a popular speaker for revivals, conferences, and seminars.
Brandon Reeves- Youth Minister
Brandon is a graduate of Cincinnati Christian University with a degree in Biblical Studies and two Master degrees in both Church History and Theology. He’s our “resident scholar” and is effective at applying biblical truth to what young people are facing today. He and his wife Amy are an incredible team when it comes to working with our young people. brandonreeves@springhillcoc.comNew Paragraph